
Humans and animals are born with a system of cannabinoid receptors mapped throughout the body and brain. Cannabinoid receptors play a crucial role in a number of processes in the human body, including regulating memory, pain, appetite and mood.


Once activated, these receptors enable two-way communication between the systems of the body by activating other receptors such as serotonin, adenosine and vanilloid.


This system is known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS)

Three bottles of Elixinol Cinnamint CBD Hemp Oil in varying sizes

The term endocannabinoid refers to the cannabinoid system “in the body”. When we deliver the required nutrients to the ECS, we enable communication between the body’s control system and all other systems.


Because of the stigma that hemp has endured over the last 8 decades, most of us have not fed their bodies with these essential, raw nutrients.


It is important to note that there is a place in the human body that does not have cannabinoid receptors: the brain stem, which is the body’s control centre to regulate breathing and the functions of the heart. Because of this, it is not possible for cannabinoids to shut these systems down and cause death. And, this is the reason that, after 4000 years of hemp use, no deaths have been recorded from its consumption.